Holiday Inn Express, Luzern
Complete project development process
In Lucerne South, in the heart of Central Switzerland, a lively "city within a city" is being created on the Mattenhof site, where people live, work, shop, meet and spend their leisure time. Creative, cosmopolitan, inspiring. Around 300 ultra-modern rental flats, over 20,000 m² of office space, a diverse range of commercial and retail premises, its own multi-storey car park and a Holiday Inn Express with 160 rooms make Mattenhof a highly attractive urban living space with a high level of urban quality. Environmentally friendly construction and ideal public transport connections
red KG AG was commissioned by MOBIMO AG, Lucerne c/o Mobimo Management AG, Küsnacht to develop the hotel and let it to HBM Hotel Betriebs und Management AG, St. Gallen. The lease was subsequently taken over by Säntis Gastronomie AG, St. Gallen.
floor area