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Analysis & Concept

Analysis & concept are the basis for every hotel development. Based on the knowledge gained from these products, the general conditions for the project are defined. Due to this weighty importance in the process, a high-quality result is essential. In order to guarantee this high quality, the development of a standardized product was unavoidable.

The findings are not only of interest to the client, but these documents are also needed for the acquisition of tenants. Thanks to the contacts we maintain with hotel operating companies, we are familiar with their standards and we continually adapt our products. This helps to speed up the processes.

Situation analysis

The location is examined and evaluated in detail using macro and micro analyses. The assessment of the location's attractiveness includes demand generators, public infrastructure, the economic environment, transport infrastructure, etc.


Potential analysis

The creation of the potential analysis is an iterative process with the creation of the concept. The future market share of a concept is shown taking into account the displacement market. This enables a coherent risk assessment of the market opportunities against the background of the prevailing operational structures in the market.


Market analysis

The market analysis describes the local hotel market in detail on the supply and demand side. Another important point is the identification and description of competitors and the determination of supply developments.



The concept describes the positioning of the future hotel. It provides information about the optimal number of rooms and additional services that the hotel should have. In addition, reliable statements can be made about the expected occupancy and room prices based on the market analysis. In combination with the simulation, the corresponding space requirements are also provided in the form of the room program.

red KG AG - Real Estate Development

Obere Seestr. 76

CH - 8272  Ermatingen


P +41 (0)52 378 31 13

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