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Real estate development for

Forms of housing and care in old age

Project development in the area of assisted living, retirement and nursing homes


The economic sustainability of care and nursing facilities is already decided in the concept phase. Decisions made in the concept phase can only be corrected at a later point in time with high costs.

We help investors and future operators of care and nursing facilities to make a well-founded and solid decision-making basis, so that there is clarity and a high level of planning security early in the process.

For this we work according to a standardized development process to ensure success throughout the life cycle.

red KG as a specialist for real estate development for hospitality projects works together with Walkerproject as a specialist for processes and infrastructure in the healthcare sector in the area of assisted living, retirement and nursing homes.


More information about Walkerproject

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Preliminary Study

We start our strategic planning with a market and needs analysis. What offers and what level of care is there in the region? What is the demand for this supply? And how is this demand expected to develop in the coming years and decades. The preliminary study can be carried out with little cost and time. It provides a well-founded basis for making decisions about how to proceed.

  • Rough location analysis

  • Rough market study

  • Rough potential analysis

  • Creation of a rough concept with a mix of uses

  • Presentation of the concept in a business case


The study details what is available in the preliminary study for a first directional decision. In addition, the building law situation is clarified and the rough concept is coordinated with the operational needs and detailed. The business case will continue to be updated in line with the concept, thus further increasing the planning security for a well-founded decision.

  • Clarification of building law fundamentals

  • Determination of demand and potential

  • Development of a concept tailored to the operator

  • Analytical presentation of the concept in an extended business case

  • Economic evaluation of the concept

Design Concept

The concept requirements are transferred to the building planning by means of a design concept. The focus is always on operationally sensible and lean processes.
We also support projects in tendering and competition processes.
  • Design the building layout based on the concept requirements

  • Maintain operational efficiencies in architectural implementation

  • Optional accompaniment of architecture or study competitions


For projects where the operator side and/or the investor side is still missing, we first identify a suitable operating company and, if necessary, a suitable investor. We are also available to advise on alternative forms of financing such as PPP.

  • Implementation of a multi-stage acquisition process to determine an operating company

  • Conducting a multi-stage acquisition process to identify an investor

Project Support

During the realization of a project, it is important to always take the perspective of the investor, the future residents and the operator when making numerous construction decisions. We ensure that decisions are made in line with the concept in terms of a sustainable investment and optimal business flows.

  • Ensuring the concept-true and economical planning and execution of the project

  • Advice with business management and operational know-how

  • Economic representation of changes in the project

  • Perceive the interface function between building owners, operators, planners and entrepreneurs

  • Interpretation of the negotiated contracts in the interests of the client

Lifecycle Services

Our mandate often does not end with moving into the building. Both investors and operators have a common interest in the economically sustainable operation of the infrastructure. If the external framework conditions change, it is important to jointly develop and evaluate the possible changes.

  • Monitoring and benchmarking of operational results

  • Identification of improvement potential

  • Balance sheet valuations of company real estate

  • Re-development due to changed environment


Olivier Giger

partner development

Phone: +41 52 378 31 13

red KG AG

real estate development

Obere Seestr. 76

CH-8272 Ermatingen


red KG AG - Real Estate Development

Obere Seestr. 76

CH - 8272  Ermatingen


P +41 (0)52 378 31 13

Member of:

© red KG Ltd. 2024

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